The great wizard Orly - Amazing New Hero Seven Knights Korean

New Night Crow member

The great wizard Orly

The great wizard Orly - Amazing New Hero Seven Knights Korean

Skill Preview The Great Wizard Orly

Skill Description Orly

Passive : Reduce enemies DEF 60%, herself void shield 6 times, attack always critical.
Skill1 : 4 targets magic skill 80% 2hits, addition penetrate (85s)
Skill2 : 5 targets magic skill 70% 2hits, addition reduce enemies turn timer buff 2 turns, after using the skill the effect will turn to 3rd skill effect (50s)
Skill3 : 5 targets magic skill 100% 2hits, addition high chance of paralyze, after using the skill the effect will turn back to 2nd skill effect (50s)
AwakenPassiveSkill : When her awaken guage full, she and all allies get Critical chance and Critical damage buff 50%
****After using active 2nd skill the effect will turn to 3rd skill next time, after using active 3rd skill the skill will turn back to 2nd skill effect, slightly same as Jupy slill machanism*********
Orly's dedicated item
- Increase her weakness atk chance 20%
- Increase her counter atk chance 20%
- Orly 2nd skill, addition reduce enemies healing skill damage debuff 60% 2 turns

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