Upcoming Emporer and Legend Emporer Hero Seven Knights Global/Asia



Information Skills
Hong rinpo
1. Immune to all kind of damage for 12 hits (Her hits immunity will be deducted by the number of strikes that she do).
2. High chance to apply blindness for 2 turns on speed/counter attack.
Skill 1 (Cooldown: 80 seconds)
Target 3 enemies with triple 50% magical damage, additionally always critical. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 150% magical damage).
Skill 2 (Cooldown: 85 seconds)
Target all enemies with 80% magical damage, additionally penetrates & randomly shuffle enemies formation. (If less number of enemies to attack critical & total damage will increase by 30%)

Preview Skill 1

Preview Skill 2


Information Skills
Superhuman strength
Immune to all kind of damage for 6 hits.(Ignore penetration skill)

Skill 1 (Cooldown: 76 seconds)
Target 4 enemies with 150% physical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & defense buff.

Skill 2 (cooldown: 100 seconds)
Target 4 enemies with 150% physical damage, additionally reduces buff timer by 3 turns.

Preview Skill 1

Preview Skill 2

Legends Emporer


Information Skills
Raven Eye
1. Immune to all kind of damage for 2 hits.(Ignore penetration skill)
2. Revive with undead effect for 3 turns.3. His swift/counter attack will always critical & ignore defenses while on undead effect.

Skill 1  (Cooldown: 70 seconds)
Target all enemies with 90% physical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & defense buff

Skill 2 Slash Halfmoon (cooldown: 120 seconds)
Target all enemies with 140% physical damage, additionally reduces buff timer by 2 turns.

Preview Skill 1

Preview Skill 2


Information Skills
Freshly fallen
1. 100% block chance to himself.
2.  Increase allies total damage by 50%.

Skill 1 (Cooldown: 84 seconds)
Target all enemies with 140% magical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & defense buff

Skill 2 (cooldown: 110 seconds)
Target all enemies with 140% magical damage, additionally reduces buff timer by 2 turns.

Preview Skill 1

Preview Skill 2


Skill Preview HD Animation Skill

Information Skill
Passive Skill
1. Immune to all kind of damage for 12 hits (His hits immunity will be deducted by the number of strikes that he received).
2. Every 3 attack deals 150% physical damage additionally remove active buffs to all enemies.

Active Skill
Skill 1 85s
Target 4 enemies with triple 50% physical damage, additionally ignore defense. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 150% physical damage)
Skill 2 85s
Target 4 enemies with triple 50% physical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & defense buff. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 150% physical damage)

Preview Skill 1

Preview Skill 2

Yeon Hee

Skill Preview HD Animation Skill

Information Skills
Acumen (UNIQUE Passive)
1. Void Shield from any kind of damage for 7 hits & Amplify her magical damage by 50% if team have atleast 3 Magic Hero Type.

2. Her normal attack (speed/counter) targets 2 enemies.
3. High chance to apply sleep for 2 turns on speed/counter attack.
Beck of Destruction (Cooldown: 70 seconds)
Target 3 enemies with triple 70% magical damage, additionally penetrates & deal extra 30% magical damage of targets max HP. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 210% magical damage + 30% magical damage of targets max HP.)

To the majority of end (Cooldown: 95 seconds)
Target 4 enemies with double 100% magical damage, additionally high chance to sleep for 2 turns. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 200% magical damage)

Preview Skill 1

Preview Skill 2

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